- one of the first headers of this blog

20 Years (And Something)…

I was never really into celebrating website anniversaries, but let’s just say this blog is now 20 years old. Actually, it’s almost 21 years old now, since I forgot to post this.

This website started in 2003 and became a regular blog in 2004 joining a pioneering community of first bloggers in Slovakia.

Yeah, it’s that old. It predates Slovakia joining the European Union by about 8 months. It predates YouTube by a year and something. My blog was one of the first sites on web standards in Slovakia. I am glad that era is gone and we can easily access any websites out there using any browser and devices we like.

Sure, the work of web standards movement continues and there are plenty of walled gardens now marking era of (anyone’s) blogs gone. People just mostly got used to posting to their walled gardens only. Still, there is whole new Fediverse that further extends blogosphere.

I am glad we have Wikipedia, and other websites that document web standards movement well and make it easy to travel back in time for anyone who wishes to do so and see websites and blogs as they looked then.

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