People I follow on Twitter #follow2010

Andrej had tagged me last year with (the the list of people I am and will be following this year). Since Twitter logoI set up English blog only yesterday, I am catching up on the task to list and describe people I follow a bit.


I am following my beloved musician George Evelyn (Nightmares on Wax) @nightmaresonwax as well as G-Stone Recordings @gstonevienna (home of Kruder and Dorfmeister and other artists) that are sometimes giving out free tickets to their appearances (in Flex, Vienna for example). I also follow Nathan Lively @NathanDoFrango of Ze Dos Frangos, band with mixed origins and members from Slovakia. I shouldn’t forget to mention SoMA FM – listener-supported, commercial-free internet radio located in San Francisco that you will definitely enjoy, if not listening to them already.

There are also electronic Foolk @foolkmusic and rapper Bene @bene965 (former Modre Hory) from Slovak musicians on my list.

Bratislava and Central Europe

For cultural events at A4 zero space I follow their profile at @A4nultypriestor (Slovak only) and for interesting stuff, news and tips there is @bratislavatips.

I also follow Czech journalist and inspiring essayist Peter Koubsky @petrkou (Czech only), English translator living in Slovakia Roger Heyes @rjsh and of course Andrej @asalko – who tagged me with . I could also mention some Twitterers tweeting in Slovak, but that wouldn’t be much of help (although with Google Translate, there is a hope).

Internet and design

In no particular order: designer and blog author Dustin Curtis @dcurtis, 37 Signals company @37Signals, web standardista Jeffrey Zeldman @zeldman, Dan Cederholm – better known as @simplebits, semantic zealot (in a good meaning) Ian Davis @iand.

…and I tag

these people: @rjsh and @NathanDoFrango. Hope to see your lists (could be on Twitter), guys!

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