10 Things That Will Definitely Annoy Adventure Game Players
- Do not allow interaction with objects that are already on screen (like doors), only because they are part of the story later. Just invent some stupid excuse.
- Puzzles for puzzles’ sake (l’art pour l’art), let’s show these guys, who made this game and didn’t have ideas! Let’s slow down a player, so he could appreciate that thin story a bit longer.
- Create an object that needs to be examined multiple times to find all hidden things in it. Loved by anyone spending three hours rummaging around.
- Create a nonsense puzzle. Just for fun.
- Put some action in that adventure, because adventures are boring, right? Interaction timing matters! As a bonus make that action sequence unskippable.
- Let player character talk to his friend openly in front of an enemy for that added real life feeling.
- Add some bad voice acting. Bad voice overs are better than text.
- Make your game linear. Multiple story lines? No way, they will just confuse players.
- Hide those objects under a couple of pixels. For the sake of good old times!
- Do not allow player character to run, let them walk really slowly everywhere.
I guess I could come with a couple more. If I do, I’ll just update this post.
PS: The image is used purely for illustrative purposes. Amazon: Guardians of Eden was quite a good game.