Mangusta de Tomaso toy car

Retro toys and games from 1980’s Czechoslovakia

I found some old toys and retro games lying in the closets unused. Let’s put them to use, I said to myself and put them on Czechoslovak eBay-like web – Bazos.

What we have here are three different vintage games from Czechoslovakia in the 1980’s. The first one is remote-controlled toy car Mangusta de Tomaso. Unfortunately the cable controller was basically broken and not working, but the car itself was in the top state.

The second set is the collection of 24 boxes of Igráčikovia (Igráčik / Igráček) toys. These depict different jobs and hobbies. Apparently, the most rare was the skier (Lyžiar / Lyžař Igráček). Two people were so much interested in the skier box that one of them offered even more money that I was selling it for and in the end the other one bought the whole collection.

The third is the 1990th Monopoly-like board game called Podnikateľský trenažér (Entrepreneur Simulator or Entrepreneurship Trainer). Just check the depiction of the businessman, or at least how the early 1990’s in Central Europe imagined one.

The fourth one is high quality play racetrack that costed a fortune originally. It is so called Autodráha ITES, again in the great state, except for the two electronic elements and joysticks that were cheap and broke quickly at that time. Again, another collector called me to buy it whole off me just because of the cars he wanted.

And since now I’ve got some much experience with selling stuff online (smirk), I am possibly going to write about it – the Bazos people.


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